Fuer die englisch kenner.

12 Apr 2008
Putin is a bit nervy about the way things are going, so he has one of his FSB henchmen snatch a renowned Romany fortune teller off from the streets of Moscow. She's bagged up and tied up, her crystal ball is lifted from her humble abode and thrown in a van with her and off they whisk her to his Dacha.
A bit bedraggled, but none the worse for the experience, she’s seated at a simple table in front of Putin with her crystal ball.

Putin: “Romany peasant, you are the best fortune teller in all of Russia. Tell me what the future holds for our great country.”

The fortune teller waves her hands around the crystal ball. Looks deep into the crystal, waves her hands a bit faster, looks again into the crystal and says. “The crystal ball draws on powers you will never understand. It is always right. I have consulted the crystal, seen the future for Russia written out in front of my very eyes….”

Putin is on the end of his chair, his brow is tense and lined.

Putin: “Romany peasant, what did it say?”

Fortune Teller: “No idea”

Putin: “What do you mean, no idea?”

Fortune Teller: “Well, it was all written in Chinese…..”
28 Jan 2019
Putin is a bit nervy about the way things are going, so he has one of his FSB henchmen snatch a renowned Romany fortune teller off from the streets of Moscow. She's bagged up and tied up, her crystal ball is lifted from her humble abode and thrown in a van with her and off they whisk her to his Dacha.
A bit bedraggled, but none the worse for the experience, she’s seated at a simple table in front of Putin with her crystal ball.

Putin: “Romany peasant, you are the best fortune teller in all of Russia. Tell me what the future holds for our great country.”

The fortune teller waves her hands around the crystal ball. Looks deep into the crystal, waves her hands a bit faster, looks again into the crystal and says. “The crystal ball draws on powers you will never understand. It is always right. I have consulted the crystal, seen the future for Russia written out in front of my very eyes….”

Putin is on the end of his chair, his brow is tense and lined.

Putin: “Romany peasant, what did it say?”

Fortune Teller: “No idea”

Putin: “What do you mean, no idea?”

Fortune Teller: “Well, it was all written in Chinese…..”
Ich finde, wir leben in Deutschland und dort sollte Deutsch geschrieben und gesprochen werden!
10 Apr 2016
das ist für mich tiefgründiger Humor wie der in UK (England) häufig gelebt wird.

Wenn hier bei Waffen - Jagen - Wiederladen auf englischsprachige Beiträge verwiesen wird jammert auch keiner rum.


18 Sep 2015
Alles richtig, aber im ersten Moment ist es für jemanden der der englischen Sprache nicht oder nicht mehr mächtig ist schwierig.
Mein Englisch hat im Alter zunehmend nachgelassen, deshalb mein Post.
Da tut ich mich leichter. Gut 50% oder mehr meine Kommunikation in der Firma läuft auf Englisch ab.

Noch dazu kommt im geschriebenen oft der englische Humor nicht so gut rüber.
8 Aug 2001
Ich finde, wir leben in Deutschland und dort sollte Deutsch geschrieben und gesprochen werden!
Mit Verlaub finde ich diese Meinung irgendwo zwischen humorlos und traurig angesiedelt.
Wieder mal ein Beleg für jeden Briten, wie humorlos wir Deutschen sind...
Und nun stellt Euch mal vor, wir müssten hier Chinesisch lesen, oder Russisch. Dann gibt es Grund zum Jammern....
22 Okt 2007
A great idea to fresh up my english.
Honestly I hat to read it twice, because I did not 'got the joke' at first time.

Maybe we can Do some jokes about Licarda Rang here?

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