Nein, er meint AccuBond, siehe auch die HP von Nosler:
Also ein Geschoss mit verbundenem Bleikern und Gilding Metall Mantel. Und z.B. in .308 interessant: Geschossgewicht 200grain
und aus:;f=2;t=002930
"Just got Nosler's 2003 press release and they are introducing a new line, called AccuBond, which appear to be
bonded-core Ballistic Tips. The first ones will be 140 .270, 160 7mm, 200 .30, 225 .338 and 260 .375. It also
appears that the 260 .375 Ballistic Tip has been dropped in favor of the new bullet, as it doesn't appear in their
latest catalog/poster.
The new bullet features the same gilding metal jacket Nosler uses on all BT's and Partitions. Most bonded-core
bullets (Swift,Trophy Bonded, Kodiak, Norma Oryx, Bitterroot, etc.) use copper jackets which, as we all know,
can really foul some bores. "
Also read in the latest G & A new product magazine that Hornady will introduce bonded SST's next year. Be
interesting to see where Hornady and Nosler price these new bullets.
I just got off the phone with Nosler. I was ordering some of the factory second/blemish bullets(they are on sale
by the way) and I asked about the Accubond. The rumors are true. The bullets are supposed to be out at the
first of the year. The bullet looks like a regular BT but it uses a heavier jacket that is bonded to the core.
Jacket material is gilded metal not copper. This looks promising.