Frag mal bei Roedale nach, normalerweise erhaeltlich so viel ich weiss.
Bei Sportingservices gibts ein long action 5er Magazin, ob das jedoch auf 300win mag abgestimmt ist weiss ich nicht.
10 shot AICS magazine (short action) - Price: £60.00
5 shot AICS magazine (short action) - Price: £50.00
5 shot AICS magazine (long action) - Price: £60.00
10 shot AICS magazine (long action) 300 Win - Price: £90.00
10 shot AW magazine - Price: £60.00
5 shot AW Magnum magazine - Price: £50.00
5 shot AE MK1 magazine - Price: £46.00
Note: AE MK2 Rifle uses AICS short action magazines.
5 and 10 shot AICS magazines converted to .223 Rem, please call for pricing.
New polymer factory manufactured .223 caliber magazine for AICS kits - Price: £31.00